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Privacy Policy

Who we are?

Viktor Gazsi freelancer webdesigner
Name: Viktor Gazsi
Address: 1131, Budapest, Övezet u. 10. 1/45
Phone: +36 70 314 89 84

What data do we collect?

Personal data
purpose for collecting this data
It is necessary for identification
for contacting if necessary
for contacting if necessary

Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller's possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR").

How do we process your personal data?

Viktor Gazsi complies with its obligations under the GDPR by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data. Our national database and mailing lists are held by specialist third party hosting services meeting GDPR standards.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

See also Tracking Technologies below.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

Where personal data is collected relating to any other short-term project, only data that is needed will be collected, and the other considerations made clear elsewhere in this policy will apply.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be shared except where specifically required by contractual agreements. We will not share your data with third parties. Any such cases where partnership working agreements require data sharing, specific consent will be obtained.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep data in accordance with the GDPR, and with our retention schedule. Such personal data is timestamped in our database, and we have systems in place to ensure that personal data is not retained indefinitely without the relevant consent or another relevant legal basis for processing. Course credentials are held permanently to verify eligibility for further courses.

Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

Please see contact details at the foot of this page.

Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will publish a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

Cookies and tracking technologies

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. For further information visit or and our analytics partners, use technologies such as cookies, beacons, tags, and scripts to enable tracking on our websites and the mechanism by which you arrived there, either through Internet search or in response to an advertisement through third party providers such as Facebook or Google. These third parties may use technologies such as cookies to gather information about your activities within a website to deliver advertising to you, such as retargeting ads. We currently do not respond to do-not-track signals. For more information about interest-based ads, including how to opt-out of having your web-browsing information used for behavioural advertising purposes, please visit Please note that this does not opt you out of being served ads. You may continue to receive generic ads on these third-party platforms. You may also opt out of receiving ads across devices by adjusting your ad preference in your Google account. website use Google Analytics code to gather statistical information. Google Analytics sets cookies to help us accurately estimate the number of visitors to the Website and the volumes of usage of the websites. This is done to ensure that the websites are available when you want them and are fast. For more information on how Google Analytics processes this information, visit

The above technologies ensure that content provided by websites are presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or other device. They allow you to participate in interactive features of the websites, when you choose to do so, such as finding our local representative. They also allow us to serve our advertisements to you through third party platforms, such as Facebook or Google, on other sites and apps, or across your devices.

Details are collected of your visits to and interactions with websites including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, whether for our own billing purposes or otherwise.

We do not disclose information about identifiable individuals to companies that host advertisements on our behalf, but we may provide them with aggregate information about our users (for example, we may inform them that 500 men aged under 30 have clicked on their advertisement on any given day). We may also use such aggregate information to help advertisers reach the kind of audience they want to target.

Our websites also include social media features, such as the Facebook "Like" button, and widgets, such as the "Share This" button, or interactive mini-programs. These features may collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address and which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets hosted by a third party or directly on our website are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing it.

Unless the law allows us to, we do not:

Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to our organisation so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on our website.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:
Tel: +36 70 314 8984
Or write to us at 1131 Budapest, övezet u. 10 1/45

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